Sunday, May 22, 2011

Started Feeding Through NG tube

Good news! Gibson didn’t throw up after they discontinued the Anderson Tube that goes into his stomach. They started a small amount of milk that they give him every three hours and he has tolerated it well. When they pull back on the tube with a syringe there isn’t anything down in his stomach which means it’s moving down through, how it’s supposed to be doing. This morning in rounds they increased the amount they’re giving him and so far, so good. He got a little fussy after a feeding earlier so we’re thinking he was just full and it might have been a little painful for him. His stomach is super small and this is the first time he’s ever had milk in it. Before when they attempted feeds, the milk went directly into his intestines. His stomach needs to stretch out…a lot. Another good thing is that he’s taking a binki more easily now when he’s tired and of course when he’s in the mood for it.  While they are pushing the milk into his feeding tube they are also putting a few drops of milk in his mouth with a syringe and having him suck on his binki so that he associates sucking with tasting milk and getting full.  He doesn’t always suck on his binki but he is swallowing the little bit of milk just fine.  He is also learning to swallow his own spit and not blowing so many bubbles.  This helps break down his food because it has natural enzymes in it. One of the hardest things for all babies to learn is how to coordinate feeding through a bottle.  They need to learn how to suck, swallow, and breathe all at the same time.  Gibson seems to be picking things up fairly quick, but we are moving at a very slow pace to insure that he doesn’t have any major setbacks.
They are also weaning the flow or pressures that the High Flow is blowing into his nose.  He started at 6 liters which is very high for a baby his size.  He did so well with that amount that they are starting to wean his flow by .5 every other day.  We went to 5 liters today and their goal is 2. Once we have reached that amount of pressure we can possibly talk about just normal oxygen canulas without pressure.  It all really depends on Gibson and how well he is oxygenating and how he is holding his sat levels.  If he can’t handle weaning that fast they will go at the rate that Gibson wants.
Gibson is a very happy baby when’s he is awake, but he is starting to sleep more like a normal newborn because his body has to do a lot more.  Between breathing more on his own and feeds he is getting warn out faster.
He was smiling so much but of course never for the camera...

Oh so sad!

Getting some of moms milk.

Mom got to feed him!

Sweet Dreams.

Sucking on his Binki all by himself.

Dressed and ready for summer time.


  1. I know I say this a lot but you guys made such a cute baby! He's so handsome. Good work! I love that he gets to wear clothes now too. I can't wait to come see him again.

  2. I love that summer outfit so cute! He is getting so big! He is adorable. Much love and best wishes to him & you guys!

  3. So happy Gibson is doing so well. Other than all the tubes, he looks very healthy! He is adorable!

  4. He looks so handsome in that little outfit!!!

  5. Cute big boy in that outfit! He is such a determined little boy with all the progress he's making everyday, so excited for you guys.

  6. We are glad Gibson is making such remarkable progress. He looks so cute and healthy. We hope mom's milk will be the key to getting him to completely digest his food. Keep up the good work Gibson!! We are cheering you on daily!!

  7. So glad things are going so well!! He is so darling!! Hope you guys are doing good.

  8. Hi I just ran accross your page, Im a mommy of a baby feeding through an ng tube... My baby was in the NICU for 2.5 months and had 3 surgeries. Hang in there things will only get better, I hope your baby is feeding better n better!
