Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I Just Don't Understand -

Today, I will head back home and return to work tomorrow.  I went to visit Gibson for a few minutes to say good-bye.  It shouldn’t have been difficult to say good-bye to a person who has never spoken to me.  It shouldn’t be hard, he doesn’t know my name.  I have never made eye contact with Gibson and known for sure he was looking back at me.  So why the tears when I said good-bye for a couple of weeks. 

I have to say that 'love happens'.  It happens when two people are committed to a common cause and the common cause which binds Gibson and me is his struggle for survival.  I am his biggest fan.  He is my hero.  He stands for all things good in this world. He is the toughest and purest and cutest and gentlest of superheroes. I am in love with Gibson Jones and can’t wait until I see him again in a few long weeks.  

Gibson is doing well today.  He looks strong.  He pooped a few times today - one of them was a biggie, so I am told.  Garrett and Kaydi got to help clean up the tubes, and wires, and bedding and Gibson himself.  Quite a chore.  Remember from earlier posts that a portion of his intestine is sitting in a 'silo' outside of his abdomen.  The doctors will gradually decrease the size of the silo and force the intestine back into the abdomen and seal it off.  Gibson also started breaathing on his own today, which is not exactly a good thing.  He tends to fight the ventilator when he gets too involved, so they gave him a little sedative.  No one can wait until he loses the tubes.  It will, however, be a while.

No one is too optimistic about the growth of his left young - except all of us who are cheering for him.  There is some functionality and if it can grow some in the next two weeks . . . well that is what we are hoping for . . . that it will grow considerably in the next couple of weeks.  

Gibson has also started a round of anibiotics to make sure he doesn't have bugs in his sytem.

He looked me right in the eye and . . .

Garrett and Kaydi showed up just as I was leaving. They had suckers to eat while Gibson was getting his mouth mint-refreshed.  This is cute. 


  1. Ohhh Grandpa, but that's where your wrong~ you and Gibson have spoke to each other, you have looked into each others eyes and know each other from before this earth life. But you know that of course. I can tell you are great people. What a lucky little guy to have such great and strong people in his life! Keep up the good work Kaydi and Garrett. Prayers to you all
    Love the Merritt's

  2. Will you still be posting updates then? I enjoy you as the writer. Thanks for all you've shared with us thus far. Hope to keep hearing more soon. Gibson will miss you while you're gone Grandpa Jones.

  3. Thank you so much for keeping us updated on gibson! I hope someone will continue to keep it updated. Mr jones you have done a wonderful job! We included gibson in our fast and will continue to keep him and your family in our prayers! Stay strong sweet baby!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear you are heading home, Grandpa Jones. We wish you well while away from yours and our hero- you see, he is ours, too. Sure hope that the blog posts keep coming and that he continues to fight strong. Love you all!

  5. Sweet. Thanks for the updates. Our love and prayers are with you all!
