March 31, 2011, 9:00 AM
Everyone I talked with slept pretty well last night except those in the hospital. Kaydi’s mom and little sister stayed with Garrett and Kaydi. Not much happened last night. Kaydi was put on a low dose of PIT and so the labor started around 9:00 PM, but it was not hard labor and for the most part, without painful contractions. By 5:15, Kaydi had only dilated to 3, but her water had been broken and she had received her epidural. Garrett told everyone to go back to sleep and things would happen in a few hours. Most everyone was back at the hospital by 9:00 this morning. Kaydi has been a little nauseous and has dilated to a 4. Still no hurry.
Photos from the delivery room.
10:30 – The staff at the hospital just had their talk with Garrett and Kaydi. The discussion really cast an aura of doubt over Gibson’s chances of survival through this ordeal. The Melchizedek priesthood holders present gave Kaydi and Garrett another blessing. Kaydi was blessed by Garrett and how he did it I have no idea. What a courageous man! He blessed her with strength and understanding and blessed Gibson that he would be strong as well. Garrett’s dad blessed him with an understanding that he and his family are the sons and daughters of a loving Father in Heaven and was promised that the physicians would do their job well. He was also blessed with courage and strength to complete the very difficult few days ahead.
11:15 – The doctor is with Garrett and Kaydi and the business of giving birth is underway. Kaydi is dilated to 8 and everyone is ready to make this happen. The mood has changed as the reality that Gibson might not survive has hit all of us.
11:52 – Kaydi is dilated to 8.5, Gibson is not quite turned all the way, but they are not concerned.
11:55 - Just discovered that today is National Diaphragmatic Hernia Day. How weird is that. Gibson can be the poster boy for that day.
12:30 – Kaydi is dilated to a ‘good 9’. Still moving slowly. Both Garrett and Kaydi are calm and napping when possible.
2:24 - Text from Garrett, " Still stuck at 9cm. They turned up the PIT to see if they can get her past the 9 mark."
3:30 – Chez has spent the whole afternoon getting peacock colored t-shirts for all of us to wear. He can really get things done. Can’t wait until the shirts all show up here. We will rock the hospital.
4:00 – The mood in the waiting room has become one of hunger. We are eating chips, chocolate and drinking soda by the gallons. Garrett called for some nourishment.
4:20 – Kaydi and Garrett are totally fatigued - emotionally and physically. The doctor is gloved up and we should have a baby before 6:00. Man, this is going so slow. Kaydi is having quite a bit of pain, but they are hesitating to give her more meds because they want her able to feel and push.
4:20 – Kaydi and Garrett are totally fatigued - emotionally and physically.
6:15 - The T-shirts have arrived. The baby has crowned.
6:33 - The baby has been born. He has been passed through the window into the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. More information to follow. Prayer time!!!
7:07 - 6 pounds 14 oz. Grandpa Hobbs wins the size pool. Jake won the time pool.
7:08 - As soon as Kaydi is ready, we are going in. There may be delay in some posts.
8:28 - Kaydi and Garrett are very tired (mainly Kaydi) and hungry (mainly Garrett). They are overjoyed at Gibson's health. and relieved for the moment. Several surgeries await.